
Showing posts with the label Tips

Benefits of Using PowerPoint Presentations

Maybe there are still many who are not interested in learning Microsoft PowerPoint for various reasons. Even though currently there are many needs that force many people to be able and know how to make PowerPoint designs, be it for work or school and college assignments. The following are some of the advantages of the Microsoft Power Point application which could be the reason why you are obliged to learn Microsoft Power from now on. Easy to use Even if you are a beginner, you don't need to worry because this Power Point is an application that is very easy to use. It looks user friendly and there are many tutorials that can be seen on the internet about how to use this application. Complete Features For business features, you don't need to worry because Power Point is equipped with a myriad of features that are not only interesting but also useful. Some examples are such as templates that are ready to use and can be edited as desired, can add external files such as photos, audi

Get to Know About Microsoft PowerPoint

Along with today's developments it is getting easier to do things. Be it in terms of communication, fulfillment of daily necessities of life - day or in terms of education and work. One of the conveniences that is also influenced by technological advances is in terms of presentation, namely using Microsoft Power Point. Microsoft Power Point is a program that can be used to present a document with a slide show view, making it easier to show the files you want to display. For the slide show itself, there is already a choice of templates which can be edited and selected according to your wishes or needs. This Power Point is an application made by Microsoft as well as the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel applications. For Word and Excel itself, it can now also be operated via a smartphone by downloading the application for free through the Play Store and Apps Store. As for the Power Point itself, for the time being, it can only be operated via PC or laptop devices. But as time goes b

5 Tips for Making Interesting Presentation Slides (PPT) so You Don't Get Boring

5 Tips for Making an Appealing PowerPoint Presentation (Power Point) to Avoid Boredom - A bad presentation is when you put everyone feeling bored and sleepy with the presentation. While the success of a presentation depends heavily on the speaker's ability to engage the audience, you shouldn't underestimate the importance of presentation slides. A bad presentation slide will distract your audience and weaken your credibility as a speaker. For that we need several ways to help you make attractive slides, when you are learning Power Point or other presentation software. 1. Have a Clear Framework A good presentation template usually has a solid prefix, middle, and end. Start the presentation with an attention-grabbing scenario or question. Then continue by offering a ppt summary of what is presented in the presentation. Don't forget to end the presentation with a call to action and ask the audience to follow what was said. 2. Using a Simple Design Nothing is more distracting